Feb 28, 2009 23:03
The spa is closed until forever my present company is fit to appear in public.
[someone murmurs in the background, perhaps a woman.]
A word.
not a happy kitty,
oh god its you people,
i've got a bad feeling about this kage,
sad cat is sad,
bad cat,
needz a cuddle prz,
wry u do dis,
first mate kage,
you're stupid and your boat is stupid,
investigative cat is investigative,
doctor jamie lapointe,
mah bff noooo,
angry cat is angry,
even worth,
the captain is a great man,
lady m,
y so srs,
worried about mah bff,
tonight people are going to die,
peeing in ur bed,
god when is he /not/ angry,
pan socializes bawwwww,
offensive cat is offensive,
b-biffle? ;o;